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             Community Development Center          

        Since its official stature as an IRS recognized non-profit organization, the Philippine Community Center, Inc. has always had an official office and assembly hall to serve as its physical center.   PCCI has succeeded in providing a physical center since its incorporation.  From rented rooms (Valley View Lane, Farmers Branch, 1991) to purchased buildings, (Beltline Road, Carrollton, 1997 and Bayside St., Dallas) and another leased office on Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, PCCI conducted meetings, medical outreach, scholarship awards, calamity relief work and community socials in its center. The growth of PCCI and its adherence to community needs for activity venues can be seen in its progress from a leased center to that of a purchased building.

       True to its core intent of providing a physical center for the Filipinos, PCCI leased an office with a common meeting hall for its community activities on Valley View Lane, Farmers Branch.











       In 1997, PCCI purchased a 5,300 sq. ft. building along Belt Line Rd., a main street in  the city of Carrollton.  This center was vibrant with community activities - the first Philippine-flag raising ceremony during the Philippine Independence Centennial celebration in North Texas, community painting and repairs by UTD and UTA students, annual health fairs, meetings of other organizations,  and various social events.  However, a municipal transport-oriented project that would potentially impact the PCCI center compelled a move.   


       PCCI then bought another building at1718 Bayside St., Dallas, (2370 sq. ft) which had to be sold in 2013  for better accessibility to its served community.   The Center was alive with community events - general assembly meetings, academic achievement awards, children’s socials, health fairs, disaster relief activities and various fund-raising projects.     











          After its sale, Board and business meetings were done in a leased office on Stemmons Freeway, Dallas.  Currently, meetings are held in a member’s boardroom in Greenville, Dallas while the Center Search Committee is doing its due diligence. 


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